Your memory erased, you start exploring the world around you. Someone or something is pushing you higher and higher.
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After an endless fall through powerful magnetic storms... you awaken.
Your memory erased, you start exploring the world around you. Someone or something is pushing you higher and higher.
Suddenly, you spot the most gigantic Tower emerging from the mists. You soon understand that to get the answers to your questions... you have to climb its summit.
However, this is no easy feat. The Tower is protected by a high-tec
h security system made up of complex mechanisms, fatal lasers, and robots constantly tracking your every move.
If you are to survive, you'll need to use all your skills (jumping, double-jumping, dashing etc.) and make good use of your SwitchGun, that can be used to enable or disable traps and robots in order to reach the top of the Tower and uncover the secrets of its origins.
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